Thursday, February 16, 2017

February 20 - 24

Dates to Remember...
Mon. Feb. 20 - No School  Presidents' Day
Tues. Feb. 21 - Last day to return Six Flags Reading Logs
Wed. March 1 - Feb. Reading Logs due
Fri. March 3 - Early Dismissal

Reading - We'll conclude our unit on Neighborhoods and Community this week by reading The Big Orange Splot.  It is a funny story about a man named Mr. Plumbean.  Mr. Plumbean lives on a very neat street where all the houses look exactly the same.  One day a seagull drops a can of orange paint on Mr. Plumbean's roof and from that point on, nothing is the same!

We'll be doing a close read of the story, discussing point of view, and how words and phrases provide meaning to the text.

Grammar focus will be on articles (a, an, the).

Reading logs are due on Wed. Feb. 1.  The class has voted to have another Stuffed Animal Day.  Please encourage your child to read 20 minutes each night and help them fill in their reading log if necessary.  It would be great to have everyone participate in our monthly reading reward!

Math - We have completed our chapter on Money and Time.  Next, we will focus on measuring the length of objects using a ruler, yardstick, meter stick, and measuring tape.

Thank you to our room parent, Mrs. Rerucha, for planning a great Valentine party!  We played games and made Valentine cards with the help of Mrs. Will, Mrs. Woods, Mrs. Dimitriou, and Mrs. Monreal. Thanks also to the Forsman and Clair families for sending in food and paper goods for the party.  We had a great afternoon!

Estimation Jar Winner - Brayden
New Student of the Week - Marnie
Positive Paw Winner - Haley

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